AshBritt Environmental attended and contributed to the annual Red Cross, Red White & Brew Event which honors and supports those troops who are serving in the military overseas through the Holiday Season. The funds raised benefit the Stockings for the Troops Initiative and the local Red Cross in Collier County, FL. Each year, just before the holiday season, the American Red Cross – Collier County Chapter sends stockings filled with items such as puzzle books, small Nerf footballs, dice, playing cards, and sunglasses to the troops stationed in Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Last year, they sent 1,000 stockings to the troops. Sending stockings from “home” makes such a difference to the men and women serving our country overseas. All of the stockings have been hand-sewn by staff and volunteers, and elementary school children make Christmas cards and write letters to put into each stocking.
To learn more about the Red Cross and supporting the troops, please visit