Connecticut and Massachusetts were among the hardest hit states impacted by the Halloween Snowstorm that took place on October 29th and 30th, 2011. Parts of these states received as much as 27 inches of snowfall during those two days. Crowns and branches from millions of trees came crashing down due to the weight of the wet snow, along with the weight of the foliage, which had not yet dislodged from the branches due to the time of year. The combination of the weight of the snow and the weight of the leaves proved to be too much for many of the trees throughout the impacted areas in MA and CT. AshBritt was tasked to work in 20 towns and cities in Massachusetts as well as 17 towns and cities in Connecticut with instructions that included clearing of downed trees in roadways as well as clearing of downed, storm-generated debris in the rights of way. All in all, AshBritt picked up, reduced and found a beneficial use for more than 3.5 million cubic yards of vegetative debris.
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