Project Detailsx

On October 29, 2011 most of the state was blanketed by as much as 27 inches of wet snow from the Massachusetts Severe Storm and Snowstorm. This event generated massive amounts of hurricane like vegetative debris. AshBritt received separate task orders from the State for emergency road clearance operations in various municipalities. Additionally, the state offered the contract to all municipalities and public agencies for large volume debris removal, management and disposal operations. Twenty separate municipalities as well as the City of Springfield’s Parks Department and publicly owned Springfield College chose to utilize this contract. AshBritt removed hazardous hanging limbs (hangers) from 101,835 trees and 5,143 hazardous leaning trees (leaners). AshBritt loaded, hauled and reduced through grinding 1,774,452 cubic yards of vegetative material. All vegetative material was disposed of through beneficial re-use. AshBritt utilized company owned equipment as well as 101 subcontractors deploying 694 pieces of rubber-tired equipment. AshBritt had more than 75 personnel including corporate principals, senior project managers, project managers, quality control representatives and administrative staff working daily out of a local field office building in West Springfield, MA.