Removed 1,835,101 cubic yards of vegetative material
On October 29, 2011 much of the State of Connecticut was blanketed by as much as 27 inches of wet snow due to an early season snowstorm resulting in extensive vegetative damage. Approximately 800,000 residents were without power. AshBritt’s contract was activated by the State initially for emergency road clearance operations. AshBritt subsequently received 17 disaster debris management task orders for municipalities and three for state agencies including the Connecticut Department of Transportation. Statewide operations included the removal of hazardous hanging limbs from 86,210 trees, the removal of 11,185 hazardous trees and the loading, hauling, reduction through grinding and disposal, through beneficial re-use, of 1,835,101 cubic yards of vegetative material. AshBritt utilized company owned equipment as well as the support of 141 subcontractors utilizing over 1,293 pieces of rubber-tired equipment to assist in this large storm- generated debris management project. AshBritt had more than 55 personnel including corporate principals, senior project managers, safety officers, project managers, quality control representatives and administrative staff.