Senior Vice President/Regional Manager
Rob Ray has over 24 years of Business Development and Customer Service management experience, most recently with specific experience in disaster response & recovery contracting and environmental contracting. Rob has been employed by AshBritt for the past 14 years and serves as a Sr. Vice President.
Rob first collaborated with AshBritt, as part of a joint venture in 2003, as an Operations Manager for several large scale hazardous fire fuels reduction projects that included high volume Hazardous Tree Removal in San Diego County, San Bernardino County, and Riverside County, California. In 2005, Rob served as both a Senior Project Manager and as the Operations Manager for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Hurricane Katrina State of Mississippi recovery operations, coordinating and assisting in organizing over 1,000 subcontractors for disaster recovery operations in 16 counties. More recently, Rob has been a key component in AshBritt’s management of large disaster response & recovery projects such as Hurricanes Dolly, Ike, Irene, and Sandy as well as the Halloween Snow Storm response and recovery efforts for the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, Severe Winter Storms Pax and Jonas. In California in 2015 and 2016 Rob was involved in the Lake County, Valley Fire debris management response and recovery operations and in 2016 Rob served as the Operations Manager for the County of Monterey, CA Soberanes Fire debris management project as well as the Operations Manager for County of San Bernardino, CA Blue Cut Fire Sheltering and Donation Management project.
Also in 2016, Rob served as the Operations Manager for AshBritt’s response and recovery projects for the South Carolina Dept. of Transportation after the impact made by Hurricane Matthew in South Carolina.
In 2017 and into 2018 Rob was the Operations Manager for 14 projects in Texas due to the impact of Hurricane Harvey and also served, simultaneously, as the Operations Manager for 17 projects in FL and SC due to the historical impact of Hurricane Irma.
Rob has demonstrated outstanding abilities to develop and implement improved policies and procedures, resulting in efficient and productive disaster recovery missions. Rob is instrumental in planning and executing innovative project strategies and is considered an esteemed professional in the disaster recovery industry. Rob regularly provides public speaking Public Assistance training as well as disaster response & recovery subject matter expertise presentations to clients and interested parties throughout the country.
Rob holds multiple certifications and licenses related to the disaster response and recovery industry including:
- NIMS IS 100
- NIMS IS 632
- NIMS IS 700
- NIMS IS 800
- NTSS 1926.502
- NTSS 1926.1053
- NTSS 1910.28
- OSHA 10 Hour Outreach Training Program – Construction
Rob has a history of supporting a variety of community involvement and charitable organizations including but not limited to:
- Lauren’s Kids
- Best Buddies
- Overtown Youth Center
- Rise Across Texas
- Cool Globes
- The American Cancer Society
- The American Heart Association
- Livestrong
- Susan G. Komen – Mission To End Breast Cancer